Dark Gold - Alex & Aiden: this story is amazing! I loved how it deviated from the rest of the series with him being in USA and also with the human family involved. I really enjoyed how they met and was kept mesmerized on the edge of my seat through the whole book. I finished this book very fast as it was so exciting. Also loved the depth of the twins and their compassion for each other.
Dark Magic - Savannah and Gregori: this story brings a few different aspects to the series. It is also based in USA but has elements of the old world (Gregori) and the new age (Savannah). It was a high point reading this book and I enjoyed how through all the previous books Gregori says to the other male carpathians how he would treat his lifemate and how she would listen and just goes to show how one doesn't know how they would react until it happens.
Dark Challenge - Julian and Desari: I LOVE how she brought a whole new cast of charecters into this world! what a wonderful group and I was so very excited to hear all the stories behind the charecters. I really enjoyed the banter of the siblings but was heartbroken when I learned of Syndils recent tragedy.
Dark Fire - Darius and Tempest: Darius is so much like Gregori in alot of ways including how he expected his lifemate to be. I really enjoyed reading along and seeing how a domineering man ends up with a headstrong woman willing and able to stand up to him.
Dark Dream - Falcon and Sara: Once again Christine was able to bring a whole new depth to the storybook of charecters. I enjoye3d the depth of this charecter Falcon and how he is actually much older than the Prince....he is an ancient. How very intriging that they were able to hide through all the centuries.
Dark Legend - Gabriel & Francesca: This story once again went by too fast. I truly enjoyed the interactions and while this story was with an ancient of Gregoris line it had a far different baseline and far different story. I enjoyed the fiercly independence of Francesca and her ability to set out on her own and make a life for herself. This book appealed to the femanism deep inside me.
I am currently reading Dark Guardian - Lucian and Jaxxons' harrowing tale.
All above books are available on Kobo and other ebook services and can be ordered in hardback at your local bookstore.
I want to also update you as it may affect my posting timings.
I am now a new contributing book reviewer on another blogsite:
Take a look at all my reviews and follow us there too!!
Happy Reading!!