Monday, 9 December 2013

December 8, 2013

I was able to participate in an event in Brampton that I think was a great success.  
Brampton Mompreneurs Holiday Magic Show 2013.  I went to this expecting to simply see booths of things I never needed or wanted.  I came out loaded with tons of pamphlets, brochures, books, goodies and crafts my daughter did.  I thoroughly enjoyed talking with so many capable women who have found something they enjoy and are pursuing it.  I have toyed with many ideas throughout the years but just haven't found something I would be passionate about and willing to commit to fully.  Many ideas were brought to the table and while none of these seem to fit me....I am sure there are other moms out there who would benefit from this wonderful resource.  

My reviews do specific booths I stopped at that stood out a day later:

Pampered Chef: while the idea is intriguing of all the fancy gadgets they offer I will be honest in saying I found a lot of the "tools" sold were comparable to items I find in our local Dollarama.  I did learn from the lovely ladies that because Wooden spoons tend to soak up the foods prepared and become very riddled with bacteria - bamboo is a shoot and not wood so it does not do this and is also a susatainable resource.  I enjoyed this lesson and will browse the catalogue but doubt finances of an average mom will allow for such extravagant buy except on special occasions.

Arbonne: I walked up to this booth with my minimal makeup on and was studiously ignored by the makeup artist.  I was interest in the makeup as I hadn't heard of the brand but the lovely lady at the table wasn't able to answer my questions to my satisfaction.  I walked away disappointed as I was truly interested.  Maybe next show it'll be different.

Party Lite: I spoke in depth with this woman about the options available.  She spoke to me about hosting a "party" and all the great fun in this.  I spoke in length as. I have in the last year began using Scentsy (their competitor).  She explained the differences in the brands and what they used as well as the difference in warranties.  I haven't confirmed this but was told Scentsy voids their warranty if other wax scents are used in their melters.  This disappoints me as not only is it difficult to find someone buy buy replacement bulbs for them....I find this brand has LED and lifetime warranty. Wowzers!  I was given a couple magazines and will consider replacing Scentsy with these ones or adding to my scented room collections.  I loved this booth and she was so forthcoming in information.

Author Deborah Armstrong: as I haven't been one to go out of my way to meet authors I do enjoy a good book.  I spoke to her about her books and supported her writing by buying two books.  She sent these to me today in my preferred format and I look forward to reading them when I am finished with my current series.

Crave cakes by Margarida: I purchased two chocolate cake pops as my family loves cake pops.  I have to be honest while I liked the size of this cake pop I will admit I prefer my own recipe.  It seemed dry while mine is more moist.  This is just my preference and in no way is knocking the product.  I also loved how they had a table setup for kids to decorate their own mini cupcake.   I didn't even get to see my daughters as by the time I was finished paying for the cake pops she was done decorating and half done eating it.  

Joy of life photography: this was a wonderful photographer and her art and experience show in her work portfolio set on the table.  I would enjoy having a session with my family with her but at $150/session I don't think I could afford the pictures.  With a higher income I would definatley choose her to take my families portraits.

SMcK Fashions: I enjoyed speaking with her and the jewelry is all lovely and reasonably priced.  I was excited after asking to find out all products were nickel free as this is a common problem for me.  I will certainly be looking into buying some after the holidays.

Sweet Gems Creative Cakes: I purchased a lovely mint cupcake and being as objective as I was before I thought the cake wasn't moist but was very dry.  I did not enjoy the frosting on this cupcake and cannot explain why.  It seemed very.....I am uncertain how to describe it but it wasn't one I would like again.  Keep in mind this dosent make the product bad I simply didn't enjoy it.

Personalized Roses:  I almost walked by this booth as it looked simply like a bouquet of roses...the timid lady at the booth came out and told me they personalize fresh roses with anything.  It intrigued me greatly how they would do this.  Upon closer look it looks like a stamp with silver or gold ink was used on the outside.  It was a very creative idea but I am capable enough to know now that. I can go to michaels and get the needed tools and probably save a tons on this.  I give them an A for creativity but need to work on their marketing technique and possible have a more personalized example on the table....just "Happy Holidays" stamped on it was not as good of a sales tactic as could have been.

All in all I enjoyed my time and intend to go again.
Please note all above reviews are my own personal opinions and thus should not reflect badly upon the company as I am but a simply complex mom who knows what she likes.

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